Nokia Cell Phone SERIES 30 User Manual

WAP Service Developer's Guide for  
Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
Version 1.1; June 09, 2003  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
Change History  
04 Nov 2002  
09 June 2003  
Initial document release.  
Template changed, Nokia 3510i and Nokia 8910i information removed.  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
The information in this document is provided ”as is,” with no warranties whatsoever, including any warranty of  
merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, or any warranty otherwise arising out of any proposal,  
specification, or sample. Furthermore, information provided in this document is preliminary, and may be changed  
substantially prior to final release. This document is provided for informational purposes only.  
Nokia Corporation disclaims all liability, including liability for infringement of any proprietary rights, relating to  
implementation of information presented in this document. Nokia Corporation does not warrant or represent  
that such use will not infringe such rights.  
Nokia Corporation retains the right to make changes to this specification at any time, without notice.  
The phone UI images shown in this document are for illustrative purposes and do not represent any real device.  
Copyright © 2003 Nokia Corporation.  
Nokia and Nokia Connecting People are registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation.  
Java and all Java-based marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.  
Other product and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective  
A license is hereby granted to download and print a copy of this specification for personal use only. No other  
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WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30  
Phones with WML Browser  
Version 1.1; June 09, 2003  
1 Introduction  
The following document provides information and practical examples for developers who want to  
optimize their WAP services for Nokia Series 30 devices with a WML browser. It is written for service  
developers as well as anyone involved in creating the wireless information society who needs to know  
more about service creation on mobile terminals. This guide is not intended to describe WAP in detail,  
nor is it meant to replace any WAP specification.  
Chapter Topics  
Chapter 2 of this document describes several general usability issues concerning WAP service  
development. Chapter 3 introduces the browser's user interface elements, keys, display, and browsing  
conventions. Chapter 4 outlines some general WML elements that are mandatory features for WAP  
1.2.1, according to the WAP Forum specifications. Chapter 5 introduces additional WAP 1.2.1 features  
that are supported in Nokia Series 30 phones.  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
2 Guidelines for Design  
The Nokia Series 30 UI is designed to be easy to use and intuitive. The following section offers general  
guidelines to help developers create browsing applications that will be perceived as usable and easy  
to understand.  
Applications for Mobile Use  
When deciding what information to include in various applications on a mobile terminal, developers  
should consider the types of situations where the mobile phone will be used. The content of the  
service should fulfill the needs of the target user group and be optimized for the most common tasks.  
Because of the mobility of the small display, the user might primarily use the mobile phone when  
there is no PC access to the Internet, and for quick information. Examples might include speedy access  
to flight schedules, short news flashes, and access to weather information or checking the  
temperature at a traveler’s destination. It is less likely that users will use their mobile phones to surf.  
Validating WML  
There are several XML validators available that validate documents against WML Document Type  
Definition. It is recommended that authors validate their WAP pages, because invalid WML is always  
treated as an error and discarded (that is, it is not shown to the user).  
GPRS Usability  
GPRS enables efficient use of resources, instant access, fast delivery of information, and innovative  
charging models.  
No changes required by developers  
Since the WAP standard was designed to allow content to be delivered over any bearer service, it is  
not necessary for developers to make changes to their WAP services or applications. This is true even  
when delivery of the services is enabled over GPRS, 3G, or any other networks.  
Cache utilization  
Developers should use HTTP proxy to cache WML content whenever the content is accessed through  
the Internet. The proxy should be placed close to the WAP gateway to minimize the distance for data  
transfer between the two components. The home page (first page) can alternatively be kept on a local  
server, close to the WAP gateway.  
Most clients have a cache; using it is a good way to improve the user's experience. Cache headers  
should be sent with documents to ensure that pages are cached on the client if possible. Content  
developers should not assume that pages are cached by default.  
Usability tips  
Round trips in the network add a minimum two-second delay to the response time. Therefore the  
number of round trips should be minimized. The response time of a first page has a strong impact on  
the user experience, so it is worth optimizing.  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
Infrastructure optimization  
The latency between the WAP gateway and content server should be minimized. Each query traverses  
this link twice, once as a request and once as a response.  
The WAP gateway should be placed close to the GPRS gateway. (The GPRS gateway is technically called  
a “Gateway GPRS Support Node,” or GGSN.) “Close” in this instance refers to both latency and the  
probability of packet loss. Lost messages cause additional delays due to HTTP retransmission.  
Site Organization  
Doormat pages  
It is not recommended to start the site using a doormat page, which serves no other purpose than to  
perhaps greet the visitor and display a logo. It is better if the user can go to the service directly.  
Entering login information can be time consuming with a mobile phone. Login information should be  
requested only once during the session, not each time after starting navigation from the main page.  
Case-sensitive checking of user names and passwords should be avoided.  
Detecting the browser  
When using a modern Web site hosting environment, it is possible to detect the browser as well as  
the language mode and supply the correct content transparently, without user interaction.  
The Nokia Series 30 mobile browser sends a user agent field in the WSP header to the WAP gateway  
when the content is fetched from the origin server. This user agent field can be used to define the type  
of browser and then build a logic on the origin server to serve suitable content. From the WAP  
gateway, it is then delivered inside the HTTP header.  
Optimizing for size  
Interactive pages should be short; informative pages, long. Having pages that are too short and  
require many downloads is worse than having close-knit information on one longer page. In  
particular, interactive pages with forms should not be too long, as users start to lose their feeling of  
control if the form is more than two screenfuls. Empty rows can be misleading, as users may think  
there is no more content below.  
If, for example, a page contains a story or instructions, the entire content should be on one page.  
Subtitles that take the user to points within a page help when browsing long, informative pages.  
It is difficult to give hard and fast guidelines about how many links should be provided on one link list  
page. If the links clearly belong together and are easy to browse (one line per link, in alphabetical or  
other logical order), it is better to provide 30 links on one page than 5 links on six pages.  
As for the total downloading time, some studies place an upper limit for acceptable delay on a PC-  
based browser at 10 to 15 seconds, including all images. It is highly recommended to have a response  
time (excluding connection time) of less than 10 seconds in a mobile environment.  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
The first screen  
The first (topmost) screenful of any page is the most important. All often-used navigational links,  
search fields, login screens, and the bulk of the information should reside there. The user can then  
navigate forward before the rest of the page has been loaded, and will not have to scroll the page.  
Wasting the top of the page on banner advertisements or non-informative graphics should be  
avoided. It is better to place advertisements at the left or right edge.  
Pictures and Tables  
Downloading images takes time, and many users may opt to switch off the loading of images for  
more speed. Authors should try to optimize image size. If there are large pictures on the site, authors  
should consider using thumbnails for the image index. Color images should be tested for visibility on a  
monochrome display. Usually, the same image cannot be used for color and monochrome displays.  
An alternative text (using the alt attribute of the <img> element) should be provided for images that  
convey information. A null alternative text (alt=””) should be used for images that do not convey  
information, or that are used for page layout or decorative purposes only.  
The table width or height should not exceed the screen size, since scrolling will make the table less  
readable (e.g., column titles are not visible after scrolling down).  
Efficient Navigation  
The service provider must be responsible for navigation as a whole. A consistent navigation method  
should be provided within the service. Each page should contain links to the main page of the site and  
to the possible subsection main pages.  
The back function can also be provided as a link on the page, but should not be used, for example, on  
pages that will return the user to a purchasing or confirmation page.  
If access keys are used, their definitions should be consistent for the main page links, e.g., “1” always  
takes the user to the main page of the service.  
A piece of information in the service can be found by moving ahead in a tree hierarchy or by  
conducting a search. Ideally, both methods should be provided. The tree hierarchy helps the first-time  
user clarify the service structure, but it may be too slow for an experienced user.  
Search results should be optimized to include only a few items; if more are found, the user should  
have the opportunity to narrow the search criteria.  
Titles and Element Labels  
The title describes the contents of the display. Use of titles is recommended in WML. Titles help the  
user navigate in the application because they remind the user where s/he is within the application. It  
may be a good idea to start the title with the service’s name and keep the total length of the title  
short. The item previously selected by the user should determine the header text. For instance, the  
title “Bookmarks” tells the user that the display contains a list of bookmarks in the application and  
that the options item previously selected was Bookmarks.  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
Proportional fonts are used in header text, and if the header text is too long, it is cut automatically. Cut  
titles are usually better than abbreviations, because the user may be confused by unfamiliar  
Although short words are recommended for element labels, acronyms that are not well known by the  
target user group should be avoided. The same label should always be used for the same thing,  
especially with function labels such as Delete, Remove, Erase, Clear, and Destroy.  
Error Messages and Confirmations  
It is especially irritating for users to receive error messages and be asked to correct the input. Services  
should be very flexible when interpreting input, e.g., allowing several different formats for date and  
time. If an error message must be shown, it should be helpful and polite, explaining why the action  
could not be executed, and providing an easy way to correct the situation.  
After the user has chosen a command that will carry out an action such as destroying information or  
moving money, it is essential to provide a confirmation page before executing the action. It should  
also be easy for the user to check the effects of the action. For example, when deleting an item, it is  
best to first ask for confirmation and then inform the user that the deletion was executed successfully.  
A Usability Test  
It is always good to perform a usability test for new applications. People who have not been involved  
in the design or development of an application tend to notice potential usability problems that are  
often not obvious to those who know the design by heart. Usability tests should always be performed  
as early as possible in the development process. Any necessary changes resulting from the tests can  
then be implemented within the development timetable. Testers who are representative of the future  
end users should be used. At the least, tests should be conducted on a small scale if the schedule does  
not allow for extensive testing.  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
3 Introduction to the User Interface  
The following chapter offers a brief overview of the user interface style in 96 x 65 pixel screen  
resolution phones. The main focus is on the WAP services element (WAP browser) of the phone. The  
WAP browser user interface is designed to comply with the user interaction handling known from  
other applications in the phone.  
The user interface style is a combination of specific user interface hardware such as keys and display;  
user interaction conventions, which include input and output functions and their relationships; and the  
audio-visual appearance, which is used in the user interaction conventions. This chapter concentrates  
on the hardware part of the 96 x 65 pixel resolution user interface.  
Nokia Phones with 96 x 65 Pixel Screen Resolution  
Nokia Series 30 phones have a WAP browser with enhanced features and increased usability. Predictive  
text input (T9) can be used in the WAP browser; predictive text input in WAP and a picture viewer are  
also supported. Nokia Series 30 phones support Push service indication; in addition most of the June  
2000 conformance (WAP 1.2.1) phones support WTAI public library and cookies. For more detailed  
Nokia 3410  
Nokia 3510  
Nokia 6310  
Nokia 6310i  
Nokia 6510  
WAP 1.1 +  
WAP 1.2.1  
WAP 1.2.1  
WAP 1.2.1  
Two soft key  
Two soft key  
Two soft key  
Two soft key  
Two soft key  
User Interface Hardware – Keys and Display  
Two Soft Key Display  
The display is a full dot-matrix display with a display resolution of 96 pixels (horizontal) by 65 pixels  
(vertical). The display consists of the application area, header area, and an area used for the soft keys.  
Excluding Nokia 3410  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
Figure 1: Structure of the browser screen  
The application area is 96 pixels (horizontal) by 45 pixels (vertical). It includes four lines of main text  
and can also be used for displaying graphics, which can be scrolled four ways (picture viewer) until the  
maximum deck size.  
Keys in Two Soft Key User Interface  
The Send/Talk key works as a selection key.  
The End key exits a data call/GRPS connection and goes into idle state when pressed twice.  
The two soft keys are assigned actions that enable the user to manipulate the user interface by making  
selections and entering, editing, and deleting text. In Nokia 68xx there is also a third soft key, which is  
used only as profile key.  
-The left soft key is used as a yes/positive key. It contains options that execute commands and  
go deeper into the menu structure. Some example functions are Select, OK, and Options.  
-The right soft key is used as a no/negative key. It contains options that cancel commands,  
delete text, and go backwards in the menu structure, such as Back, Exit, and Clear.  
The scroll keys (arrow keys) allow the user to scroll the options or text in the current display.  
Display Fonts  
All fonts are proportional fonts. Proportional fonts give a dynamic and minimized width for  
each character, improve readability of the display texts, and generally allow more characters to  
be displayed per line. On the other hand, having proportional fonts means that it is difficult to  
tell how many characters there can be in each line, e.g., compare characters “W” and ”i.”  
Accessing the WAP Browser  
The browser is accessed by selecting Services from the menu and entering a home page defined for the  
currently active settings or a bookmark. For quick access to the browser, the user can make a long key  
press on the 0 key; the user is then taken to the home page that is defined for the currently active  
settings set. The access point and home page can be set in the Services -> Settings menu.  
Navigation, Labels, and Titles  
The user should be provided with consistent card headers, element titles and do-element labels. The  
title of a <select> element is used in the header of a selection list or option groups list. The title of an  
<optgroup>element is used as an option group title and in the header of its selection list. The title of  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
an input element is used in the editor title. The label of a do element is used in the Service options  
behind the Options soft key.  
The user can move up and down in a card view when it contains elements (hotlinks, input  
elements, and selection list items) and static text areas between them. This is done by  
”jumping” from element to element. Scrolling through long static sections (that is, text lines) is  
done line by line. The first element of a card is highlighted by default if it is on the first display.  
Picture Viewer  
The picture viewer lets users perform horizontal and vertical scrolling of pictures/animations that are  
too wide/high for the display. The picture viewer can only be activated by selecting the options list  
item View Picture if the currently active page contains at least one picture/animation. In the picture  
viewer, pictures/animations are displayed similarly to the way pictures/animations are displayed in  
the browser display except that only one picture/animation can be viewed at a time.  
The browser places viewed cards in cache, which allows previously visited cards to be quickly accessed,  
as there is no need to reload them. The cards stay in cache until it is manually cleared by the user or  
until the memory is full. See the Nokia WAP Phone Characteristics document for information on cache  
size in different Nokia WAP phones.  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
4 WML Elements for the Nokia User Interface  
This chapter serves as a guide for using WML in designing services. It provides an overview of  
graphical user interface elements, that is, the WML elements that are critical from the  
rendering point of view and their WML capabilities supported by the browser. The document  
does not include all possible WML elements and attributes. WAP service developers should pay  
special attention to Sections 4.2: Table and 4.3: Images.  
The WML elements are briefly described and demonstrated with screenshots. Code examples  
include only the essential part related to using the elements, i.e., the document prologue is not  
shown after Example 1.  
Text Formatting  
The contents of a WML card are displayed in the Application area of the display (see Figures 4.1  
and 4.2). The card is a container of text, images, tables, and input elements. The order of  
elements in a card is significant, as they appear on the screen in the same order.  
Paragraph and content alignment  
The paragraph element, p, enables word wrapping and content alignment. A paragraph  
always starts on a new line. Normal static text information is always wrapped on a display,  
unless word wrapping is set off in the browser settings.  
Insignificant white space is ignored. If more than one white space separates the constituents  
of a text, these white spaces are ignored unless the pre element is used. See Section 4.1.4 for  
more information on the pre element.  
The content inside a paragraph can be aligned to the left, center, or right by option; left  
alignment is displayed by default. Alignment is determined in paragraph attributes (for  
example, <p align="right">). Word wrapping can be set to wrap or nowrap by using the  
mode attribute in paragraph.  
<p align="center">  
Align &quot;center&quot;  
<p align="right">  
Align &quot;right&quot;  
<p align="right">  
<img alt="3510i" src="file://C:/USERS/wml/3510i.gif" align="top" hspace="0"  
Example 1: Alignment <align>  
Line break  
New lines in text can be defined by a line break. The line break element, br, can be used inside  
other elements as well, as long as it belongs to a paragraph. If a line break is defined after an  
aelement, the line break is ignored. If an empty line is needed between two links, it is  
necessary to add two line breaks between the aelements.  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
Fieldset element  
The fieldset element allows the grouping of related fields and text. The basic idea of grouping  
is to show the grouped items on the same display if possible. If the items cannot be displayed  
on the same display, the user is not given any notification. Fieldset always starts a new line  
and ends with a line break.  
Pre element  
The pre element is supported. When the pre element is used, the content shown is rendered as  
“preformatted” to the extent possible. This implies that white space is left intact when  
rendered, that the font in the cards remains the same as for plain text in a card, and that word  
wrapping is enabled/disabled according to how the browser is set.  
The <table> element is used together with the <tr> and <td> elements to create sets of rows and  
columns of data, such as text, images, and so on. It is possible to have text, images, and tables on the  
same card. The cells are shown in bordered rows and columns.  
The size of the cells is dynamic, according to the content of the cells. The widest cells affect the  
width of the other cells in the same column. There is a minimum cell width of 10 pixels in  
order for the columns to remain discernible. The width of the rows will be adapted so that all  
can fit. When more cells are defined than can be on the screen, the cells will all be of the  
defined minimum width. When the content of the cells is too large to fit the cell, its content is  
truncated and three dots are added.  
A maximum of one text, image, or link element can be shown in each cell when no row in the  
table has been selected. Otherwise text, image, as well as link elements can be shown in a cell.  
In a text element, if line breaks are defined, several lines can be shown at a time. When no row  
has been selected, the longest line in a cell defines the width of the cell if the cell can be  
shown in full width. Otherwise lines of excessive length are truncated and three dots are  
added. The full content of each cell can be viewed by scrolling.  
The title of the table is shown when a row is selected. If the table has no title, the title of the  
card in which the table is situated is used as a title for the table.  
<table align="LCC" columns="3">  
<td>T °C</td>  
<anchor title="date">M 6/7  
<go href="#date" method="get" sendreferer="false"/>  
<img alt="rain"src="file://…/rainy.wbmp"  
<go href="#descr" method="get" sendreferer="false"/>  
<td>T 6/8</td>  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
<td> <img alt="part cldy" src="file://…/partcldy.wbmp"  
align="bottom"/> </td>  
<td>W 6/9</td>  
<td> <img alt="cloudy" src="file://…/cloudy.wbmp"  
align="bottom"/> </td>  
<td>T 6/10</td>  
<td> <img alt="rainy" src="file://…/rainy.wbmp"  
align="bottom"/> </td>  
<td>F 6/11</td>  
<td> <img alt="sunny" src="sunny.wbmp" align="bottom"/> </td>  
Example 2: Table element  
The graphics formats Wireless Bitmap (wbmp), static gif (.gif 87a), and animated gif (.gif 89a)  
are supported. The static graphics area is at maximum 78 pixels wide and 30 pixels high, but  
vertically and horizontally scrollable until the maximum deck size. However, the animated gif  
graphics area is at maximum 78 pixels wide and 30 pixels high. Images fitting in the graphics  
area are centered unless specified otherwise by the service provider. Static images that are too  
wide are left–aligned and truncated on the right. Images that are too long are top–aligned but  
scrollable down.  
The displaying of images is optional and can be turned off in the browser appearance settings.  
Images can also be used inside a table and as a link (see Example 4.2 above). An image that  
functions as a link is represented with a full-line frame around it. Images appear in a separate  
line than text.  
Figure 2: Image in Nokia 6310  
Image sizes of a maximum of one line, that is, 10 pixels high, may be shown with two lines of  
text on the same display above and/or below the image. Similarly, with an image of a  
maximum of 20 pixels there can be one line of text.. There cannot be text next to an image;  
the image will always start its own line.  
If a requested image does not exist, a small default picture will be shown. Use of the image alt  
attribute value is recommended.  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
Animated GIF  
Most recent Nokia browsers1 support image format animated gif (.gif 89a). The maximum  
number of frames allowed is 13 (note, maximum file size is 2.4 kb).  
The animation can be viewed in the browser view. After running the animation in looping  
mode for 50 loops the animation will stop. The last frame of the animation will be shown as a  
static gif.  
The anchored link element specifies a hotlink. Links are underlined; in Nokia 3510i links are  
displayed and underlined in blue. An active link is shown in inverse colors. When a user selects  
a link, the associated task is performed. When the link is active, the options list of the browser  
display is extended with the option Select. The user can also select a link by pressing the Send  
Figure 3: Selected link is highlighted  
The a element is a short form of the anchor element, and is bound to a go task without  
variables. In general it is recommended to use the a element instead of the anchor where  
possible, to allow more efficient tokenization.  
A hotlink is automatically followed by a line break. If a line break is defined after an a element,  
the line break is ignored. If an empty line is needed between two links, it is necessary to add  
two line breaks between the aelements. If a hotlink does not have a title or label, the URL  
address of the link is displayed in its full length, and functions as a normal hotlink.  
<anchor>text<go href="#card2"/>  
<img alt="golf" src="file://…/golf.wbmp"/>  
<go href="#card2"/>  
Example 3: Image as a link  
Do Element  
The do element provides a general mechanism for the user to act upon the current card. The  
do elements are mapped behind the browser´s options list together with the preloaded  
options. If a do element contains a prev task, the right soft key is labeled "Back." Use of a prev  
task is highly recommended in every card because it enables backward navigation. Do  
elements have a label, i.e., the text of the item in the browser’s options list. If the label is  
available it is used as an option list item. If there is no label, a default text is displayed,  
according to Table 4.1 below. However, it is highly recommended to use the labelattribute.  
1 All phones that are introduced in this document support gif image formats in the WAP browser.  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
Static text  
Table 1: do elements label default text  
Prev task  
The author of the WAP service is always responsible for the working navigation model inside  
its own service. If there is a need for back functionality, it should be explicitly defined with the  
prevtype doelement. The WAP browser does not have any implicit back functionality.  
Cardwide and deckwide scope  
The do element can be expressed in two ways: in cardwide scope or in deckwide scope in  
template. Doelements will be stored in the browser’s options list together with the preloaded  
<do type="prev" label="Back">  
Example 4: Deckwide backward navigation, prev  
<do type="prev" label="Back"  
Example 5: Cardwide backward navigation  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
<do name="help-button" type="options" label="Ask Help">  
<do type="options" label="Contact">  
<do type="prev" optional="false">  
<card id="card1" title="Homepage" ordered="true">  
<p align="left">  
Please, register  
<input name="username" type="text" title="Username"  
<input name="password" type="password" title="Password"  
<do type="accept" label="Enter">  
<go href="#confirm" method="get" sendreferer="false"/>  
<card id="confirm" title="Confirmation" ordered="true"  
<p align="left">  
$(username), thank you for registering.  
Example 6: Do element  
WML Input Processing  
Input processing lets the user input requested information to the service. There are two kinds  
of input elements: text fields determined by an input element and selection lists determined  
by a selectelement. Optionelements are used to specify a single choice option in a  
selectelement. Optionelements can be grouped by using an optgroupelement (see  
Example 4.9).  
Input elements  
The inputelement, which is displayed with brackets, specifies a character entry object. By selecting  
the input element, the user evokes the editor. The editor is never displayed directly in the card view.  
The options list of the browser display is then extended with the "Edit" option. The T9 option is  
enabled in the browser. The user can select the input element by pressing the Send key. The input  
element consists of a title, brackets, and a value. There can be a default value inside the brackets. The  
title of the element is only displayed when the editor box is displayed, which is after having selected  
the input element. The value with the brackets is always wrapped to the next line. If the value cannot  
fit into one line, the end of the content is truncated and three dots are added.  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
Direct input access  
The user can also select the input element by pressing any numeric key when the edit box  
appears and the pressed key is already placed in the edit box, i.e., the user can just start  
inputting characters and the edit box appears automatically.  
When T9 (predictive text input) is activated, the soft keys are "Options" and "Back" when the editor is  
empty. Otherwise the soft keys are "Options" and "Clear." This also applies if T9 is deactivated. Input  
fields can be specified by the input element's type and format attributes.  
<do type="previous" label="Back" optional="false">  
<card id="card1" title="Homepage">  
<p align="left">  
Please, register  
<input name="username" type="text" title="Username"/>  
<input name="password" type="password" title="Password"/>  
<do type="accept" label="Enter" optional="false">  
<go href="#confirm" method="get" sendreferer="false"/>  
<card id="confirm" title="Confirmation" ordered="true">  
<p align="left">  
$(username), thank you for registering.  
Example 7: Text input <input>  
Select element  
Selection lists are elements that specify a list of options for the user to choose from. There are  
two kinds of selection lists supported: single-choice and multiple-choice lists. The user can  
select multiple choice, if the multipleattribute is set as true(selected items are marked  
with a selection symbol). The user can highlight and select the selection list item on a card.  
The options list of the browser display is extended with "Select." The user can also select the  
selection list by pressing the Send key. That same item will be highlighted and displayed with  
a selected icon in front of it once the user re-enters the list during the same browsing session.  
A selection list item on a card looks similar to an inputelement item; it consists of a title,  
brackets, and a value. There is always a default value inside the brackets in a single selection  
list (in a multi-selection list there are by default three dots between the brackets unless  
specified otherwise by the service provider). If there are no options in the selection list, three  
dots are displayed between the brackets. The title is not displayed in the card itself. The value  
with the brackets is always wrapped to the next line, which means that there will never be  
text and a value with brackets on the same line. If the value cannot fit onto one line, the  
remaining part of the content is truncated and replaced with three dots.  
The title of the selection list is the first item of the card containing the selection list. If the  
value is a value of a multi-selection, the selections are separated with commas. If the value  
cannot fit into one line, the end of the content is truncated and replaced with three dots. The  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
user can view the value between brackets in full by pressing the # key. Until the # key is  
released, the content that can fit on the screen is viewed. The soft keys are hidden while the  
content is viewed in full. The layout in full view is the same as the one selected by the user for  
The optionelement specifies a single choice option in a select element. Options can be  
grouped with an optgroupelement, which specifies a group of choice items in a select  
element. An optgroupelement is displayed with an icon in front of the title of the  
optgroupelement. An optgroupelement can be used in single selection lists as well as  
multiple selection lists. Only in multiple selection lists it is possible to have option groups that  
allow multiple selections.  
<card id="phones" title="Information Request">  
<p align="left">  
Send me more information about:  
<select name="models" title="Products" multiple="true">  
<optgroup title="Phones">  
<option value="Nokia 7650">  
<option value="Nokia 9210">  
<option value="Nokia 6310">  
<optgroup title="Accessories">  
<option value="Battery">  
<option value="Desktop stand">  
Desktop stand  
<option value="Charger">  
<option value="Headset">  
Please, provide your  
<input name="name" type="text" title="Name" emptyok="false"/>  
<do type="accept" label="Confirm" optional="false">  
<go href="#confirm" method="get" sendreferer="false"/>  
<do type="prev" optional="false">  
Example 8: Select and optgroup  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
5 Additional WAP 1.2.1 features  
Nokia Series 30 phone is able to receive Push Service Indication (SI) type service messages. Push service  
messages are an ideal way for service providers to activate users, since they can be used to notify users  
of updated content or to alert them about information in their areas of interest (e.g., new e-mails,  
changes in stock prices, flight schedule changes or news headlines). Service messages indicate  
downloadable content. The user can view indicated content by using the Service Inbox and the WAP  
Service inbox  
The service provider can push a Service Indication message to the phone, which is then saved to the  
Service Inbox in the Services menu. The user can view indicated content afterwards by using the  
Service Inbox. In the Service Inbox, the received service messages can be viewed, deleted, downloaded,  
or moved to another folder. Users can define in the Service message settings whether to receive service  
messages or not.  
Service messages are sorted in the Service Inbox into the following order:  
1. All unread Service Indications appear highest on the list and are grouped according to the applied  
priority level, starting with “signal-high,” then “signal-medium,” and finally “signal-low” (see Section  
5.1.2 for more information about the priority levels). The messages in each group are shown in  
chronological order according to the receiving time.  
2. All read service messages appear below unread service messages and are shown in chronological  
order according to when the Service Indications were created.  
Service Indication  
At the least, a Service Indication should contain text that is displayed to the user and a URL address of  
content that may be dynamically generated for each push message in the application server. The  
Service Indication can contain the following information:  
URL address  
Creation date  
Creation time  
Expiration date  
Expiration time  
Each Service Indication has a Service Indication ID, which is used to uniquely identify different kinds of  
Service Indications. Service providers set the Service Indication IDs for messages. The ID allows  
reception of multiple Service Indications with the same URL address and priority level. If the received  
Service Indication has the same ID as the one stored in memory, the received Service Indication will  
replace the stored one only if it is newer.  
Service providers can determine the priority level of the message. Priority levels are signal-high, signal-  
medium, signal-low, signal-none, and delete. Priority level defines how the received messages are  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
ordered in the Service Inbox and also whether the user is notified about received Service Indication.  
The defined priority level has the following impact:  
signal-high: Notification with an SMS alert tone is presented.  
signal-medium: Notification with an SMS alert tone is presented.  
signal-low: No indication of received Service Indication is displayed to the user. The Service Indication  
is silently stored in the Service Inbox.  
signal-none: Service Indication is automatically discarded. The user is not notified.  
delete: If a Service Indication already exists, the Service Indication with the same ID in the Service  
Inbox is deleted. If there is no Service Indication with the same ID in the Service Inbox, the received  
Service Indication is discarded. The user is not notified.  
If no attribute has been specified, Service Indications will be received as signal-medium.  
Wireless Telephony Applications Interface (WTAI) Public Library  
The WAP browser supports three Wireless Telephony Applications Interface (WTAI) public  
library functions: making a call while browsing, sending DTMF tones, and saving numbers and  
names to the phone book. These functions, MakeCall, SendDTMF, and AddPBEntry, can be used  
anywhere in the WML code in the same way as when URI or script references are used for  
normal non-WTAI references.  
Making a phone call  
The MakeCall function is used for making a phone call directly from the WML browser  
application. A typical example of the usage of MakeCall is when the user selects an anchored  
link, which initiates a phone call. When a MakeCall function is executed, the user is asked to  
confirm that the dial-up is to be made. If the phone number that is about to be called does not  
exist in the phone book, a confirmation query with the phone number is displayed. If the  
number to be called exists in the phone book, a confirmation query is displayed with the name  
fetched from the phone book. If the user accepts making the phone call, another confirmation  
query is displayed with text "Quit browsing?"  
If the user accepts both queries, the browser session will be terminated and the browser  
application will close down. The call will then be initiated. When the call is terminated, the  
phone is in idle state. If the user rejects the latter confirmation query, the call will be initiated  
from within the browser display and the user can browse cached content during the call. No  
in-call options such as Mute, Hold, etc., are accessible from within the browser application. The  
options list belonging to the browser display remains unaffected by the fact that a call is  
Incoming call while browsing  
Normal call handling applies when a call is initiated from the browser part (e.g., the called  
party is busy, call barring is enabled, etc.).  
Sending DTMF tone  
The user can send DTMF tones through the network by executing a WTAI function called  
SendDTMF. Just like MakeCall, a typical way of using SendDTMF is to assign the SendDTMF  
function to an anchored link. The user must have a voice call active. When the DTMF tone has  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
been sent, the user returns to the card/deck where s/he initiated the sending. The voice call  
remains active.  
Adding a phone book entry  
The AddPBEntry function offers an easy way to store a phone number and a corresponding  
name onto the phone book application from a WML card. The service provider provides the  
name and number. When the user activates an AddPBEntry function and the service provider  
has declared a name and a number, the phone displays a confirmation query with the text  
"Save name." When the user accepts the confirmation query, another confirmation query with  
the text "With number +44 123 123 4567" is displayed and the number is stored in the phone  
book application. When saving is complete, the currently active card is displayed again. Note  
that the user does not have to be online or have any voice calls active in order to use the  
AddPBEntry function.  
Cookies enable the storage of data such as user information to ease browsing by reducing the amount  
of information the user must enter. For example, login can be configured dynamically so that it is  
displayed only if the application cannot identify the user.  
Cookies in cached files are ignored.  
Service providers have the possibility of using the accesskey attribute of the aelement and the  
anchor element. This allows users to open links with a long press of the associated access keys.  
Keys allowed for access key use are the 0-9 number keys. The service provider should indicate  
to the user which keys to press in order to open the desired links; this can be accomplished by  
adding the label of the key to the link concerned, e.g., if the service provider associates the “2”  
key to a link, the service provider should add the number “2” to the label of the link.  
<a accesskey="2" href="phone.wml">(2)a </a>  
Example 9: Using accesskey "2"  
Only one link can be associated with each access key. A key will also open its corresponding link if the  
service provider has assigned it as an access key but does not indicate this to the user. If the user tries  
to open a link by using a key that the service provider has not associated with any link, the key will not  
react to the action of the user. An access key has an effect on a link even if the link is not highlighted.  
The link chosen by the user is highlighted after the corresponding access key has been given a long  
press. This is visible while the terminal is fetching the content of the link. A long press of an access key  
also has an effect when a card contains both access keys and a highlighted input element. An input  
element can be activated by an associated access key through a long press in the same way as  
anchored links (described above).  
Content Download over WAP  
Content download is a technology that is used to deliver digital content such as entertainment and  
business applications to mobile terminals. Another important application is for personalizing terminals  
according to a user’s preferences and lifestyle. Content downloading can be initiated by an end user or  
by a network application.  
The content download mechanism between the mobile terminal and content source is based on open  
technologies such as HTTP (and WSP) and Java Community Process technology. This technology allows  
the creation of an open, multivendor market for terminal vendors as well as for network server and  
broker vendors.  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
For more information about content download, please go to  
Segmentation and Reassembly (SAR)  
Some of the Series 30 phones support Segmentation and Reassembly (SAR) functionality, which is an  
optional feature in the Wireless Transport Protocol (WTP) layer defined by the WAP Forum. SAR is used  
to split large WTP messages into a number of smaller datagrams and selectively retransmit failed  
datagrams. The use of SAR improves over-the-air efficiency for downloading large messages to the  
phone and makes content download (e.g., Java MIDlet download) and MMS transfer faster and more  
The use of SAR enables the transmission of large data files through WAP to the mobile phone. To use  
SAR, it must be supported by both of the communicating parties, typically the WAP gateway and the  
WAP browser. WAP service developers do not need to take any actions to enable SAR in their service  
development. Even though phones supporting SAR allows downloading of large files, it should be  
noted that other elements in the network (WAP gateways) might restrict the downloadable file sizes.  
Nokia WAP gateways let through files up to 100 KB but the limit might be smaller than that in some  
gateways. Another factor to keep in mind is that SAR can only be used in connection-oriented  
(permanent) mode.  
Further information about SAR functionality can be found in the "Segmentation and Reassembly in the  
Wireless Transaction Protocol" document, which is available at the Forum Nokia Web site,  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
6 Terms and Abbreviations  
Term or Abbreviation  
A single WML unit of navigation and user interface.  
A collection of WML cards that is the smallest  
downloadable unit. You cannot download a single card in  
a deck; you must download the entire deck. Service  
developers should be aware of this, and not create large  
applications in a single deck.  
Do element  
A way of defining the binding between events (such as a  
user selection) and a task (for example, to go  
DTMF tone  
Standard tone used to transmit numeric data via  
telephone. Generated when numeric keys are pressed.  
General Packet Radio Service. Mobile service that gives a  
packet switched access over GSM to external data  
networks with high peak transfer capacity.  
Graphical User Interface.  
Hypertext Markup Language. The markup language used  
for publishing hypertext on the World Wide Web.  
Hypertext Transfer Protocol. An application-level protocol  
for transferring HTML documents in the Internet.  
A link within a document or card that allows quick  
navigation to another document (card).  
A markup element that allows for interaction with the  
user, that is, letting the user input textual values. These  
can be used for inputs to locally stored scripts, or for  
parsing to origin servers.  
Input element  
Multiselection list  
A selection list, which allows the user to scroll and select  
several (or none) options to be active.  
The concept of moving between menu items, decks, and  
Proportional font  
A font in which different letter widths do not necessarily  
have the same number of pixels. "W" and "I" are good  
Segmentation and Re-assembly. A functionality used to  
split large WTP messages into a number of smaller  
datagrams and selectively retransmit failed datagrams.  
List of user-selectable options.  
The phone has one or more function keys whose function  
depends on the state of the phone. These keys are called  
soft keys because there is an associated text on the  
Selection list  
Soft key  
User Interface.  
Uniform Resource Locator. String that identifies resources  
in the Web.  
World Wide Web Consortium. An organization that  
develops interoperable technologies for Web.  
Formatting rule for text appearance.  
Wireless Markup Language. Markup language based on  
Extensible Markup Language (XML), which is intended for  
Word wrapping  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
use in specifying content and user interface for  
narrowband devices, including cellular phones and  
Wireless Session Protocol. A layer of WAP stack, which is  
optimized for low bandwidth bearer networks with long  
Wireless Telephony Applications Interface. Feature that  
provides the means to create telephony applications by  
using a WAE user-agent with the appropriate WTAI  
function libraries.  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
7 References  
GPRS-related documentation  
Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit 4.0  
Nokia Phone User's Guides  
Segmentation and Re-assembly-related documentation  
WAP Push-related documentation  
Wireless application specifications  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
Appendix A. Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)  
The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is a set of protocols that allows the development of  
applications and services for use with mobile phones and other mobile devices. The WAP Forum  
maintains these protocols and their related standards and specifications.  
The WAP Forum consists of a number of high-tech companies from the information technology,  
software, and telecommunication industries. The objectives of the WAP Forum are to:  
Bring Internet content and advanced data applications to digital mobile phones  
Create a global wireless protocol specification that works across different wireless network  
Enable the creation of content and applications that scale across a wide range of bearer  
networks and device types  
Embrace existing standards and technology wherever possible  
WAP Architecture  
WAP and Internet architecture  
In order to apply as much leverage to the existing Internet standard as possible, the WAP stack closely  
follows the Internet model. This is illustrated in Figure 1A.  
Wireless Application  
Other Services  
Wireless Application  
Environment (WAE)  
Wireless Session Layer (WSP)  
Wireless Transaction Protocol (WTP)  
Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS)  
WirelessDatagramProtocol (WDP)  
Figure 1A: Comparison of Internet and WAP architecture  
This layered architecture allows applications to use the features of the WAP stack through well-  
defined interfaces. This close link to the Internet architecture allows developers to use their existing  
knowledge and expertise when developing applications for mobile terminals.  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
Wireless Application Environment (WAE)  
The Wireless Application Environment (WAE) is a general-purpose application environment that uses a  
combination of Internet and mobile terminal technology. It provides a framework for the  
development of applications on a mobile terminal. WAE contains support for the following  
Wireless Markup Language (WML) - a lightweight presentation language, similar to Hypertext  
Markup Language (HTML) but optimized for use with mobile terminals.  
Wireless Markup Language Script (WMLS) - a lightweight script language, similar to  
Wireless Telephony Application / Interface (WTA / WTAI) - telephony services and  
programming interfaces.  
Content formats - defined data formats, such as vCard and vCalendar.  
Wireless Session Protocol (WSP)  
The Wireless Session Protocol (WSP) provides the application layer of WAP with an interface for two  
session services. The first is a connection-oriented service that operates above the transaction layer  
protocol. The second is a connectionless service that operates above a secure or non-secure datagram  
service. The WSP is optimized for low bandwidth bearer networks with long latency.  
Wireless Transport Protocol (WTP)  
The Wireless Transport Protocol (WTP) runs on top of the datagram service and provides a lightweight  
transaction-oriented protocol, suitable for use in mobile terminals. WTP operates over secure or non-  
secure wireless datagram networks.  
Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS)  
Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) is based on the industry standard Transport Layer Security  
(TLS) and is optimized for use over narrowband communication channels. WTLS may be used for  
secure communication between terminals, and applications can selectively enable WTLS features.  
Developing Applications for Mobile Browsing  
Application developers can use the principles of WAP to develop new services or adapt existing  
Internet applications for use with mobile terminals. Applications are written in Wireless Markup  
Language (WML) and WMLScript, and stored on either a normal Web server (origin server) or directly  
on the WAP gateway. The content stored on the Web server is accessible from mobile terminals via the  
cellular network and a WAP gateway or proxy.  
The proxy server acts as a gateway between the cellular network and the Internet or Intranet. The  
data sent between the origin server and the handset is binary encoded to optimize transmission over  
the narrow bandwidth of the cellular network. Note that the content stored on the Web server might  
be in either textual or binary format. When the WAP gateway fetches textual content, it automatically  
compiles this to the encoded format to minimize network load.  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
Figure 2A shows the network-related elements required for developing and offering services to  
mobile users.  
Figure 2A: Elements related to mobile browsing  
Web server  
The Web server stores the applications written in WML. Alternatively, existing HTML applications can  
be used.  
HTML filter  
Any applications written in HTML will have to be converted to WML before they are sent to the mobile  
terminal. This HTML filter may form part of the Web server or the WAP proxy.  
WAP proxy  
The WAP proxy acts as the gateway between the cellular network and the Internet or Intranet. It  
encodes the information, which is to be sent to the mobile terminal in binary format and decodes  
information sent from the mobile terminal.  
WTA server  
The WTA server handles network-specific applications. These applications are not discussed in this  
Additional Information  
Further information on WAP is available at  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  
Build Test Sell  
Developing and marketing mobile applications with Nokia  
Go to  
1 provides the tools and resources you need for content and application development  
as well as the channels for sales to operators, enterprises, and consumers.  
Download tools and emulators has links to tools from Nokia and other industry leaders including Borland,  
Adobe, AppForge, Macromedia, Metrowerks, and Sun.  
Get documents and specifications  
The documents area contains useful white papers, FAQs, tutorials, and APIs for Symbian OS and Series  
60 Platform, J2ME, messaging (including MMS), and other technologies. lists  
detailed technical specifications for Nokia devices.  
Test your application and get support  
Forum Nokia offers free and fee-based support that provides you with direct access to Nokia engineers  
and equipment and connects you with other developers around the world. The Nokia OK testing  
program enables your application to enjoy premium placement in Nokia's sales channels.  
Market through Nokia channels  
Go to to learn about all of the marketing channels open to you, including  
Nokia Tradepoint, an online B2B marketplace.  
Reach buyers around the globe  
Place your applications in Nokia Tradepoint and they're available to dozens of buying organizations  
around the world, ranging from leading global operators and enterprises to regional operators and  
XSPs. Your company and applications will also be considered for the regional Nokia Software Markets  
as well as other global and regional opportunities, including personal introductions to operators, on-  
device and in-box placement, and participation in invitation-only events around the world.  
WAP Service Developer's Guide for Nokia Series 30 Phones with WML Browser  

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