Nintendo Games GAME CUBE User Manual

For use with the Nintendo® GameCube™  
Game Console  
5. Once drivers have finished installing, restart your PC.  
6. Once the drivers have successfully been installed, you will not be required to  
install the drivers again.  
d) Disconnecting the Supplied GAMECUBEUSB Memory Card from your PC  
Always check you have shutdown the GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE application on  
your PC before disconnecting the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card from the supplied  
USB cable and PC.  
e) Starting-up the GAMESAVES for GAMECUBEInterface  
1. Make sure you have the supplied USB cable and GAMECUBE USB Memory  
Card correctly connected to a spare USB socket on your PC.  
2. Double-click the GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE icon on your PC.  
PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT disconnect the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card while using  
GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE and never have the supplied GAMECUBE USB  
Memory Card connected to your PC and GAMECUBE at the same time.  
When you first start your GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE software, you will be presented  
with an interface consisting of two different panels as shown below. Details of each panel  
and its functions are explained in more detail below:  
a) PC Panel  
This is the left panel that displays all the game saves stored on your PC. The game  
saves are stored in Group Folders so you can manage your own game saves by simply  
grouping them together. Game saves can also be copied or moved into different Group  
Folders within the PC Panel.  
b) Memory Card Panel  
This is the panel on the right and displays game saves, which are stored on the GAME-  
CUBE USB Memory Card that is connected to your PC via the supplied USB cable.  
1. Group Folder – These are the folders that contain the game saves stored on  
the PC.  
2. Game Saves – These are the actual game save files that are stored on the PC.  
3. Edit – This button allows you to edit Group Folder names and Game Save  
Descriptions of the game saves stored within the PC Panel.  
4. Delete – This button will delete any highlighted game save(s).  
5. Status – This button shows useful information about the number of game saves  
stored on the PC and properties of the currently connected GAMECUBE USB  
Memory Card such as number of blocks free and the number of game saves it  
currently stores.  
6. Minimize – This button minimizes the GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE  
application into your Taskbar.  
7. Exit – This button shuts down the GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE application.  
8. Refresh – Refreshes the Memory Card Panel displaying the contents of the  
currently connected GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
9. Memory Card Panel – This panel displays all the game saves that are currently  
stored on the connected GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
10. Memory Card Capacity Bar – This bar shows how much free space is available  
on the connected GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
11. Memory Card Save Information Panel – This box displays useful game save  
information for the selected game save stored on the connected GAMECUBE  
USB Memory Card.  
12. GameShark Icon – This button will display general information about the product.  
14. Back up Memory Card – This button copies the entire contents of the  
connected GAMECUBE USB Memory Card to the PC.  
15. Copy -> PC – This button copies highlighted game saves from the Memory  
Card Panel to the PC.  
16. Erase Memory Card – This button erases the entire contents of the connected  
GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
17. Copy -> Memory Card – This button copies highlighted game saves from the  
PC Panel to the connected GAMECUBE™ USB Memory Card.  
18. PC Panel Save Information Panel – Displays game save information for the  
currently selected game save in the PC Panel.  
19. PC Panel – This panel displays all the game saves you have stored on the PC.  
20. Network – Opens the Internet Connection Panel, used to connect to the  
GAMECUBE section of GameShark® website to find new game saves.  
GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE allows you to store and manage all your game saves  
you have for the GAMECUBE on your PC. You can quickly and easily copy, delete and  
backup game saves with the supplied USB Cable and GAMECUBE USB Memory  
You can then rename and add Game Save Descriptions to help you compile your own  
collection of game saves stored on your PC that can be quickly transferred back to the  
supplied GAMECUBE USB Memory Card for use at any time.  
The following sections explain GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE numerous functions and  
capabilities in detail so you can begin to manage your game saves right away.  
a) Group Folders  
On the PC Panel, all the game saves are stored in Group Folders, which are designed to  
make it easier for you to manage the game saves stored on your PC. E.g. you could  
have a Group Folder named “Game X” and only store game saves for “Game X” inside.  
You can open and close the Group Folders by simply double-clicking on them to show or  
hide the game saves stored inside them.  
b) Creating Group Folders  
To create a new Group Folder simply double-click left button while the mouse cursor is in  
any blank space within the PC Panel. A dialogue box will appear allowing you to enter a  
name for a new Group Folder.  
c) Editing Group Folder Names  
To edit a Group Folder name, simply use the mouse to highlight a Group Folder then  
click on the ‘EDIT’ button. A dialogue box will appear allowing you to edit the Group  
Folder name.  
d) Editing Game Save Descriptions  
When you highlight a game save in the PC Panel, useful information is displayed in the  
Information box below such as File Size, Save Name, Game Name and a Game Save  
GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE allows you to add or edit Game Save Descriptions so  
you can easily identify each game save more easily. This is a useful function and allows  
you to identify each game save for the same game, for example you could enter a Game  
Save Description such as “Level 5 unlocked with all weapons”.  
Follow the steps below to edit the Game Save Description.  
1. Use the mouse to click and highlight the game save you wish to edit.  
2. Now use the mouse to click on the ‘Edit’ button. Double-clicking the selected  
game save also performs this same action.  
3. The “Edit Game Save Description” dialog box as shown above will now  
4. Now enter a short description of the game save in the “Description” box. This  
will help you distinguish between your game saves.  
5. Once you are happy with your Game Save Description, click ‘OK’.  
e) Deleting Game Saves Stored on the PC  
Once you have deleted a game save file it cannot be recovered! Please use this function  
with caution, especially if you don’t have a backup of your game saves.  
To delete game saves from the PC Panel, simply use the mouse to highlight the game  
save you wish to delete and press the ‘DELETE’ key on your keyboard or use the mouse  
and click the ‘Delete’ button.  
To delete more than one game save at a time, simply hold down the ‘Ctrl’ button on your  
keyboard while selecting the game saves you want to delete. Now when you delete, all  
the highlighted game saves will be deleted together.  
GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE has several functions that allow you to keep your  
GAMECUBE game saves in good order.  
You can back-up and delete individual game saves from the supplied GAMECUBE™  
USB Memory Card and even perform a full erase.  
Before you can use any of these functions you will need to know how to view the game  
saves stored on your GAMECUBE™ USB Memory Card within the GAMESAVES for  
GAMECUBE™ interface.  
a) Viewing Game Saves Stored on the GAMECUBEUSB Memory Card  
Follow the simple steps below to learn how to view the game saves stored on GAME-  
CUBE USB Memory Card with the GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE™ interface:  
1. Make sure you already have GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE™ running on your  
PC and have correctly installed the drivers for the supplied GAMECUBE™ USB  
Memory Card before continuing (refer to the Getting Started section).  
2. Attach the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card you wish to view to the supplied  
USB PC to GAMECUBE Memory Card Cable.  
3. The GAMECUBE™ USB Memory Card should now be detected and any game  
saves stored should now appear on the Memory Card Panel.  
4. A progress bar will appear, as the Memory Card Panel starts to show what  
game saves are stored on the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
5. If no progress bar appears, use the mouse to click the ‘Refresh’ button, this will  
refresh all panels and you should now see the game saves that are stored on  
your GAMECUBE™ USB Memory Card.  
PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT disconnect the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card while using  
GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE and never have the supplied GAMECUBE USB  
Memory Card connected to your PC and GAMECUBE at the same time.  
b) Making Backups of the GAMECUBEUSB Memory Card  
You can use GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE™ to make a backup of the entire GAME-  
CUBE™ USB Memory Card. Simply follow the steps below:  
1. Attach the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card you wish to backup to your PC via  
the supplied USB Cable.  
2. A progress bar will appear, as the Memory Card Panel starts to show what  
game saves are stored on the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
3. If no progress bar appears, use the mouse to click the ‘Refresh’ button, this will  
refresh all Panels and you should now see the game saves that are stored on  
your GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
4. Use the mouse to click on the ‘Back-up Memory Card’ button.  
5. An ‘Enter Group Folder Name’ dialogue box will appear, asking you what you  
wish to name the Group Folder of where the game saves will be backed up.  
6. Enter a Group Folder name and then use the mouse to click ‘OK’.  
7. A progress bar will appear while the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card is  
backed up to PC.  
8. Once the progress bar closes, your GAMECUBE USB Memory Card will now  
be backed up in the Group Folder you specified. The original game saves will  
remain on the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
c) Deleting Game Saves on the GAMECUBEUSB Memory Card  
Once you have deleted a game save file it cannot be recovered! Please use this function  
with caution, especially if you don’t have a backup of your game saves. See the section  
above for details of how to backup.  
Follow the steps below to delete your game saves:  
1. Attach the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card you wish to backup to your PC via  
the supplied USB Cable.  
2. A progress bar will appear, as the Memory Card Panel starts to show what  
game saves are stored on the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
3. If no progress bar appears, use the mouse to click the ‘Refresh’ button, this will  
refresh all Panels and you should now see the game saves that are stored on  
your GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
4. Once the progress bar is complete, use the mouse to click on a game save that  
you wish to delete from the Memory Card Panel.  
5. To delete the game save either press the ‘Delete’ button on your keyboard or  
use the mouse to click the ‘Delete’ button on the GAMESAVES for  
GAMECUBE interface.  
6. A message box will appear asking “Delete Game Save(s)?”  
7. If you wish to delete the game save click ‘OK’ and the game save will now be deleted.  
8. If you do not wish to delete the game save click ‘Cancel’ and you will return to  
the GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE interface.  
To delete more than one game save at a time, simply hold down the ‘Ctrl’ button on your  
keyboard while selecting the game saves you want to delete. Now when you delete, all  
the highlighted game saves will be deleted together.  
If you want to delete all the game saves off your GAMECUBE USB Memory Card, simply  
use your mouse to click the ‘ERASE MEMORY CARD’ button.  
PLEASE NOTE: Any game saves which are deleted from your GAMECUBE USB  
Memory Card will be lost forever, so make sure you want to do so or make a backup on  
your PC.  
GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE can only copy game saves from the supplied GAME-  
CUBE USB Memory Card and not from any other GAMECUBE™ Memory Card.  
If you have any game saves on a different GAMECUBE Memory Card that you wish to  
copy to PC, please copy them to the supplied GAMECUBE™ USB Memory Card first.  
You can easily do this by inserting the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card and your nor-  
mal GAMECUBE Memory Card into your GAMECUBE , then use the game save  
copying functions of your GAMECUBE™ to transfer your game saves onto the supplied  
GAMECUBE USB Memory Card. (Refer to your GAMECUBE manual for details of  
how to do this).  
You will only be able to store a maximum of 127 game saves on the supplied GAME-  
CUBE USB Memory Card, this is a limit of the GAMECUBE™ itself in that it will not  
allow anymore than 127 game saves on any GAMECUBE™ Memory Card at any one time.  
PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT disconnect the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card while using  
GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE and never have the supplied GAMECUBE USB  
Memory Card connected to your PC and GAMECUBE at the same time.  
Some games have protected game saves that cannot be copied from one memory card  
to another. However, if you save the game save directly onto the supplied  
GAMECUBE USB Memory Card from the game, GAMESAVES For GAMECUBE will  
allow you to copy the game save to and from your PC.  
There are two ways to copy game saves from the supplied GAMECUBE USB Memory  
Card to the PC. These are both described below:  
a) Copying Game Saves Using the ‘Copy -> PC’ Button  
1. Attach the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card you wish to copy game saves from to  
your PC via the supplied USB Cable.  
2. A progress bar will appear, as the Memory Card Panel starts to show what  
game saves are stored on the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
3. If no progress bar appears, use the mouse to click the ‘Refresh’ button, this will  
refresh all Panels and you should now see the game saves that are stored on  
your GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
4. Once the progress bar is complete, you can begin to highlight the game save  
you want to copy to the PC. Simply place your mouse cursor over a game save  
on the Memory Card Panel (Right panel) and click on it. The game save will  
now be highlighted.  
5. Use the mouse to click the ‘Copy -> PC’ button.  
6. An ‘Enter Group Folder Name’ dialogue box will appear, asking you what you  
wish to name a new Group Folder.  
7. Enter a Group Folder name and then use the mouse to click ‘OK’. A progress  
bar will appear while the game save is being transferred.  
8. The game save will now be transferred to the PC, saved in the Group Folder  
you have just created. The original game save will remain on the GAMECUBE  
USB Memory Card.  
To transfer more than one game save at a time between panels, simply hold down the  
‘Ctrl’ button on your keyboard while selecting the game saves you wish to transfer. All the  
game saves will be highlighted. Now simply press the ‘Copy -> PC’ button and all the  
highlighted game saves will be transferred.  
b) Copying Game Saves Using the “Drag and Drop” Method  
1. Attach the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card you wish to copy game saves from to  
your PC via the supplied USB Cable.  
2. A progress bar will appear, as the Memory Card Panel starts to show what game  
saves are stored on the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
3. If no progress bar appears, use the mouse to click the ‘Refresh’ button, this will  
refresh all Panels and you should now see the game saves that are stored on  
your GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
4. Once the progress bar is complete, use the mouse to highlight the game save  
you wish to copy from the Memory Card Panel.  
5. With the mouse cursor over the selected game save, press and hold the  
left mouse button down and simply drag the game save onto to the desired  
Group Folder on the PC Panel. Release the left mouse button and a progress  
bar will appear while the game save is being transferred. The game save will  
now be transferred to the PC and saved in your chosen Group Folder. The original  
game save will remain on the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card  
6. If you do not drag the game save onto an existing Group Folder, you will be  
asked to “Enter Group Folder Name”, if this is the case, enter a new Group  
Folder name and then use the mouse to click ‘OK’. A progress bar will appear  
while the game save is being transferred. The game save will now be transferred to the  
PC and saved in the Group Folder you have just created. The original game save will  
remain on the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
To transfer more than one game save at a time between panels, simply hold down the  
‘Ctrl’ button on your keyboard while selecting the game saves you wish to transfer. All the  
game saves will be highlighted. Now simply press and hold the left mouse button down  
whilst the cursor is over a highlighted game saves and “drag” the game saves to the PC  
panel (Left). All the game saves will be transferred.  
GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE can only copy game saves from your PC to the supplied  
GAMECUBE USB Memory Card, not to any other GAMECUBE Memory Card.  
If you wish to copy the game saves on your PC to a different GAMECUBE Memory  
Card, you will need to copy them to the supplied GAMECUBE USB Memory Card first.  
Then transfer the game saves stored onto the supplied GAMECUBE USB Memory  
Card by inserting both the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card and your normal  
GAMECUBE Memory Card into your GAMECUBE™. Then use the game save  
copying functions of your GAMECUBE to transfer your game saves to another  
GAMECUBE Memory Card. (Refer to your GAMECUBE manual for details of how to  
do this).  
You will only be able to store a maximum of 127 game saves on the supplied  
GAMECUBE USB Memory Card, this is a limit of the GAMECUBE itself in that it will  
not allow anymore than 127 game saves on any GAMECUBE Memory Card at any  
one time.  
PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT disconnect the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card while using  
GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE and never have the supplied GAMECUBE USB  
Memory Card connected to your PC and GAMECUBE at the same time.  
There are two ways to copy game saves from your PC to the supplied GAMECUBE  
USB Memory Card. These are both described below:  
a) Copying Game Saves Using the ‘Copy -> Memory Card’ Button  
1. Attach the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card you wish to copy game saves to  
your PC via the supplied USB Cable.  
2. A progress bar will appear as the Memory Card Panel starts to show what  
game saves are stored on the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
3. If no progress bar appears, use the mouse to click the ‘Refresh’ button. This will  
refresh all Panels and you should now see the game saves that are stored on  
your GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
4. Once the progress bar is complete, you can begin to highlight the game save you want  
to copy from the PC. Simply put your mouse cursor over a game save on the PC  
Panel (Left panel) and click on it. The game save will now be highlighted.  
5. Use the mouse to click the ‘Copy -> Memory Card’ button. A progress bar will  
appear while the game save is being transferred.  
6. The game save will now be transferred to the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
The original game save will remain on the PC.  
To transfer more than one game save at a time between panels, simply hold down the  
‘Ctrl’ button on your keyboard while selecting the game saves you wish to transfer. All the  
game saves will be highlighted. Now simply press the ‘Copy -> Memory Card’ button and  
all the highlighted game saves will be transferred.  
b) Copying Game Saves Using the “Drag and Drop” Method  
1. Attach the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card you wish to copy game saves to  
your PC via the supplied USB Cable.  
2. A progress bar will appear as the Memory Card Panel starts to show what  
game saves are stored on the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
3. If no progress bar appears, use the mouse to click the ‘Refresh’ button. This will  
refresh all Panels and you should now see the game saves that are stored on  
your GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
4. Once the progress bar is complete, use the mouse to highlight the game save  
you wish to copy from the PC Panel.  
5. With the mouse cursor over the selected game save, press and hold down the  
left mouse button down and simply drag the game save onto to the Memory  
Card Panel.  
6. Release the left mouse button and the game save will be copied to the  
GAMECUBE USB Memory Card. A progress bar will appear while the game  
save is being transferred.  
7. The game save will now be transferred to the GAMECUBE USB Memory  
Card. The original game save will remain on the PC.  
To transfer more than one game save at a time between panels, simply hold down the  
‘Ctrl’ button on your keyboard while selecting the game saves you wish to transfer. All the  
game saves will be highlighted. Now simply press and hold the left mouse button down  
while the cursor is over a highlighted game save and “drag” the game saves to the  
Memory Card Panel (Right). All the game saves will be transferred.  
If you have Internet access on your PC, GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE can connect  
directly to our dedicated GAMECUBE site, allowing you to download the latest and  
hottest GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE available. Viewing and downloading  
GAMECUBE game saves from the GameShark website server has never been so  
easy. You can search for the game saves you want using the GAMESAVES for  
GAMECUBE advanced Internet Search functions at  
a) Accessing the Internet Connection for the First Time  
When you first select the ‘Network’ button that is located on the left side of the PC Panel,  
a dialogue box will appear asking you for a Username, E-mail address, Password and  
Product Key.  
Please check you have entered the correct Product Key and a valid e-mail address to  
access the online features of GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE  
Once you have entered all your details and the Product Key, click on ‘OK’ and the  
Internet Connection Panel will slide out to the left.  
If you wish to change any of your details at later date such as your contact e-mail  
address, click on the ‘CONFIGURE’ button found at the bottom of the Internet  
Connection Panel.  
PLEASE NOTE: Once you have successfully registered and logged in to use the online  
features, you cannot change your Username or Password. Make a note of all the details  
you enter and keep them in a safe place for reference.  
b) Internet Connection Panel Overview  
The Internet Connection Panel looks like this:  
1. Internet Connection Panel – This panel displays the results of your search.  
2. Close – This button will close the Internet Connection Panel.  
3. Search Icon – Clicking this icon will allow you to search the  
4. Configure – Allows you change your User Name, Password, E-mail and  
Product Key details.  
5. Internet Connection Panel Game Saves Information Panel – This box shows the  
game name and Game Save Description of a highlighted game save.  
c) The Search Function  
Follow the steps below to learn how to search for new game saves using the GAME-  
SAVES for GAMECUBE online search function:  
1. Use the mouse to click on the Search Icon in the bottom right of the Internet  
Connection Panel. A search dialog box will appear as shown above.  
2. Enter the name of the game you want to search for in the “Game Name” box:  
E.g. “Splinter Cell”.  
3. Use the mouse to click on ‘OK’ and GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE will now  
perform an online search for your game name on the GAMECUBE  
GameShark server.  
4. Search results will be displayed in the Internet Connection Panel. If you do not  
find what you are after, you may want to make a more advanced search (see  
Advanced Searches below).  
5. Remember you can use the mouse to highlight any of the files listed from the  
search results displayed in the Internet Connection Panel to view extra information  
such as Game Save Descriptions, file size, and dates created.  
d) Advanced Searches  
Simply read the following information below to learn how to perform advanced searches.  
The “Search Term” option allows you to search for certain terms such as “Unlimited”, the  
dropdown box gives you different options of how your entered search term is used, and  
these are explained below:  
1. Exact – This search will only return results that match exactly with your search  
term. This option will return the least results.  
2. Fuzzy – This search will return results that are similar, but not exactly the same  
as the search term you entered. This option will return the most results, and is  
the best option if you are unsure of a game save name.  
3. Contains – This search will return results that contain one or more of the words  
in your Search Term. This option is also a good option if you are unsure of a  
game save name.  
The ‘Date’ option allows you to search for Saves by date. Simply enter a date in the  
Date’ box (it will currently display today’s date/time), the dropdown box gives you different  
options of how you can search the date, these are explained below:  
1. Before – This search will return game saves that were uploaded to the  
GameShark server before the date you have entered.  
2. After – This search will return game saves that were uploaded to the  
GameShark server after the date you have entered.  
3. On – This search will return game saves that were uploaded to the GameShark  
server on the exact day you have entered.  
e) Downloading Game Saves from the Internet Connection Panel  
The game saves displayed in the Internet Connection Panel are on GameShark’s  
servers; to use them you will have to download them to your PC before copying them to  
the supplied GAMECUBE USB Memory Card. Downloading these files is as simple as  
copying a game save to and from the PC & GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
To download files from the Internet Connection Panel, simply move the mouse cursor  
over your chosen game save, press and hold the left mouse button and “drag” the file  
from the Internet Connection Panel into the PC Panel in the location where you wish to  
save it.  
PLEASE NOTE: DO NOT disconnect the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card while using  
GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE and never have the supplied GAMECUBE USB  
Memory Card connected to your PC and GAMECUBE™ at the same time.  
Downloading the files to your PC first means that the Game Save Descriptions or extra  
file information will stay intact; you can always copy it to your GAMECUBE USB  
Memory Card later. This also means you will always have a backup on your PC.  
To download more than one file at a time, simply hold down the ‘Ctrl’ button on your key-  
board while selecting the files you want to download. All the files will be highlighted. Now  
simply hold the mouse button down while the cursor is over one of your highlighted files  
to “drag” them where you want.  
est game saves, game reviews and information. Simple use your mouse and click the  
‘WWW’ button found at the bottom of the Memory Card Panel.  
Q: I have copied a file across from my PC to the GAMECUBEUSB Memory Card,  
but it does not appear to be there. Why is this?  
A: Try clicking the ‘Refresh’ button with your mouse. This will refresh the Memory Card  
Panel, and your game save should show up.  
Q: I plugged in the GAMECUBEUSB Memory Card and it was blank, why is this?  
A: Plug the GAMECUBE™ USB Memory Card into your GAMECUBE and check there  
are game saves present. If there are game saves present, try re-attaching the GAME-  
CUBE USB Memory Card then use the mouse to click the ‘Refresh’ button.  
Q: I've loaded the software but it can't find the GAMECUBEUSB Memory Card.  
Q: Why does the Memory Card Panel display the message “No Memory Card”?  
A: Make sure you have the supplied USB cable and GAMECUBE USB Memory Card  
connected correctly. (Refer to the “GETTING STARTED” section of this User Guide).  
A: Try restarting GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE with the supplied GAMECUBE USB  
Memory Card disconnected. Once the application has re-started, re-attach the GAME-  
CUBE USB Memory Card then use the mouse to click the ‘Refresh’ button.  
Q: How do I plug in more than one Memory Card at a time?  
A: You cannot. You can only plug in one Memory Card at a time.  
Q: Why doesn't it work with Windows95 and Windows98?  
A: These versions of Windows have been known to have issues with USB and today a  
majority of users are running Windows XP.  
Q: I seem to have various problems when running your software.  
A: We suggest that if you have Internet access, you should use Windows Updates to  
update your version of Windows. Microsoft continually develops Windows to improve and  
fix various issues. We therefore recommend you keep your version of Windows as up to  
date as possible.  
Q: Does it matter which Memory Card port I use on my GAMECUBE?  
A: No.  
Q: When I plug in the GAMECUBEUSB Memory Card directly into a USB port on  
my machine it seems to be intermittent/fail to work.  
A: Try using self a powered USB hub.  
Q: Does it matter which USB port I plug the cable into on the PC?  
A: No, but if you do have problems, try plugging into another USB port, preferably one at  
the back of your PC.  
Q: Can I plug it into a USB2.0/USB Hi-Speed port?  
A: Yes, although the cable with GAMECUBE™ USB Memory Card attached is a USB1.1  
Q: Can I plug the cable into a USB hub?  
A: Yes, if you have any problems, try plugging it directly into a USB port on your PC.  
Q: When I plug the cable into a hub, it seems to be intermittent/fail to work.  
A: Although it should work through a hub, various factors could cause it to be  
unreliable. If you have any problems, try plugging it directly into a USB port on your PC.  
Q: Can I use a USB extension cable?  
A: Yes, if you have any problems, try plugging it directly into a USB port on your PC.  
Q: Will this product cause damage to my Memory Card?  
A: No.  
Q: Will this product cause damage to my GAMECUBE?  
A: No.  
Q: Will I get free upgrades to the software?  
A: Major versions will be released as new products, but minor versions may be released  
for free as an upgrade at GameShark’s discretion. Keep checking our web site for any  
Q: Can I use game saves from other sites with GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE?  
A: No, you can only use game saves for GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE™ from  
Q: When I connect to the Internet side of GAMESAVES for GAMECUBE, will it  
give out information about my PC or me?  
A: No, it will only ask for your username, password, e-mail address and product key. We  
use this information in order to keep our services and products secure and to provide you  
with support should you experience any difficulties.  
Q: Why can't I have more than 127 game saves on my GAMECUBEUSB Memory  
Card even though there is plenty of space remaining?  
A: This is a limit of the GAMECUBE itself in that it will not allow anymore than 127  
game saves, on any GAMECUBE Memory Card at any one time.  
Q: I copied a save across and it appeared as "\" instead of the game name.  
A: Delete the problem game save from the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card and copy  
it over again.  
If this fails, copy over 10 saves that don't exist on the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
Now copy the save you wish to use.  
If the problem persists, delete the problem save and back up or copy any other game  
saves on the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card to the PC Panel. Now erase the  
GAMECUBE USB Memory Card. Copy the save you wish to use by itself to the  
GAMECUBE USB Memory Card and this should solve the issue.  
Q: My game refuses to load a game save saying it is "corrupt".  
A: Delete the problem game save from the GAMECUBE™ USB Memory Card and copy  
it over again.  
If this fails, copy over 10 saves that don't exist on the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card.  
Now copy the save you wish to use.  
If the problem persists, delete the problem save and back up or copy any other game  
saves on the GAMECUBE USB Memory Card to the PC Panel. Now erase the  
GAMECUBE USB Memory Card. Copy the save you wish to use by itself to the  
GAMECUBE USB Memory Card and this should solve the issue  
Q: My game refuses to recognize the GAMECUBEMemory Card.  
A: Copy the save over to a normal GAMECUBE Memory Card and this should solve  
the problem.  
Q: I've copied saves over from my Memory Card to the GAMECUBEUSB  
Memory Card using the GAMECUBE. When I load the save directly from the  
GAMECUBEUSB Memory Card it says it's corrupted but its okay on my original  
Memory Card. Why?  
A: This could be due to a variety of reasons. Delete the save and copy it across again. If  
this still fails to work, back up some of your saves from the GAMECUBE USB Memory  
Card onto your PC and delete them. Now copy your save from your Memory Card to the  
GAMECUBE USB Memory Card and this should solve the problem.  
Q: The GAMECUBE won’t allow me to copy my game save from my normal  
GAMECUBE Memory Card to the supplied GAMECUBE USB Memory Card, why  
is this?  
A: Unfortunately this is due to the game itself. Some games have protected game saves  
that cannot be copied from one memory card to another. However, if you save the game  
save directly onto the supplied GAMECUBE USB Memory Card from the game,  
GAMESAVES For GAMECUBE will allow you to copy the game save to and from your PC.  
Q: I have a suggestion that I think might be useful in this product.  
A: Feel free to write or e-mail us, letting us know what you think about our product.  
Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions in the previous section before  
contacting our customer service department.  
If you still cannot resolve the problem, please contact us as follows:  
Phone: 619-683-2815  
Mailing Address: Mad Catz, Inc.  
ATTN: GameShark Support  
7480 Mission Valley Road Suite 101  
San Diego, CA 92108  
Warranty Information  
To obtain warranty service within the warranty period:  
IN THE USA: Return product to the place of purchase or send the defective item postage  
prepaid with a copy of the sales receipt, return address and a brief description of the  
problems you are experiencing to the above address.  
©2004 Mad Catz, Inc. GameShark, the GameShark logo and Wanna Beat the Game are  
trademarks or registered trademarks of Mad Catz, Inc., its subsidiaries and affiliates.  
GameShark saves ©2003 Mad Catz, Inc. Features, appearance and specifications may  
be subject to change without notice. GAMECUBE is a trademark of Nintendo. This product  
is not sponsored, endorsed or approved by Nintendo.  

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