MABIS Duro Med Blood Pressure Monitor Semi Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor User Manual

Blood Pressure Monitor  
with Memory  
04-263-001 (Adult size cuff)  
04-263-006 (Large adult size cuff)  
Please read this instruction manual  
completely before operating this unit.  
Taking care of your health care needs  
English • French • Portuguese • Spanish  
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3  
Product Identification & Caution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4  
General Blood Pressure Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5  
Important Information Before Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7  
Battery Installation/Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8  
Applying Your Blood Pressure Cuff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9  
Taking Your Blood Pressure Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10  
Recalling Measurements in Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11  
Description of Display Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12  
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12  
Care and Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13  
Product Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13  
Sample Blood Pressure Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14  
To achieve the maximum benefit from your blood pressure monitor, we recommend that you  
first consult with your physician or trained healthcare professional.  
Thank you for purchasing a MABIS Digital Blood Pressure Monitor. With proper care and use,  
your monitor will provide you with many years of reliable readings.  
The method of measurement that your Monitor uses is called the oscillometric method. The  
monitor detects your blood’s movement through the artery in your arm and converts the move-  
ments into a digital reading. The oscillometric method does not require a stethoscope, making  
the monitor easy to use.  
Blood pressure readings determined with this device are equivalent to measurements  
obtained by a trained observer using the cuff/stethoscope auscultation method, within the  
limits prescribed by the American National Standard for Electronic or Automated  
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Product Identification & Caution  
LCD Display  
Memory Recall Button  
Cuff Tubing  
Arm Cuff  
Power Button  
Battery Compartment  
Tubing Connector  
4 x AA (LR06 size,  
1.5V Batteries  
Inflation Bulb  
Air Release Valve  
You can stop the inflation or deflation process anytime by pressing the POWER button.  
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Why Monitor Your Blood Pressure at Home?  
Many people experience “White Coat Syndrome”, which is a temporary elevation of blood  
pressure during a visit at their physician’s office. Although only temporary, it can cause blood  
pressure to rise and give a false indication of a person’s true blood pressure.  
Whether or not you experience “White Coat Syndrome”, home blood pressure monitoring  
1) The opportunity to supplement your physician’s office measurements.  
2) An accurate indication of any change.  
3) A record to assist your physician in evaluating your health and making important  
4) Consistent, daily measurements of your blood pressure.  
Note: Variations in your individual readings should only be interpreted by your physician or  
trained healthcare professional.  
General Blood Pressure Information  
What is Blood Pressure?  
Blood pressure is the pressure that is exerted by blood flowing against the walls of the blood  
vessels throughout your body.  
Your heart, which is the center of the circulatory system, provides the force for the blood to flow  
or circulate. When your heart contracts or beats, the blood is forced through the blood vessels  
increasing the pressure. This is the highest pressure in the cycle or what is referred to as  
SYSTOLIC blood pressure. In between beats, your heart relaxes and your blood pressure  
decreases. This is referred to as DIASTOLIC blood pressure.  
This complete series of events, which occurs in a single heartbeat, is known as the CARDIAC  
Your MABIS Monitor will automatically read your blood pressure and display both systolic and  
diastolic readings on the screen.Your systolic will be positioned as the upper number and the  
diastolic reading will be the lower number.  
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Blood pressure is measured in millimeters (mm) of mercury (Hg) and is generally recorded  
with the systolic pressure (120) listed first and the diastolic pressure (80) listed second. The  
numbers are typically separated by a slash mark (/) as shown.  
Both pressure readings, the SYSTOLIC and DIASTOLIC, are necessary for a physician to  
evaluate the status of a patient’s blood pressure.  
Please contact your physician for specific information regarding your own blood pressure.  
What Influences Blood Pressure?  
Many factors such as genetics, age, sex, altitude, physical activity, anxiety, muscular devel-  
opment, certain medications or even the time of day can influence blood pressure.  
Influences such as sleep or relaxation decrease blood pressure, while anxiety or exercise  
increase blood pressure.  
WHO Blood Pressure Classifications  
Standards for assessment of high or low blood pressure have been established by the  
World Health Organization (WHO) as shown on the following chart:  
High – Normal  
Mild Hypertension  
Moderate Hypertension  
Severe Hypertension  
Isolated Systolic Hypertension  
This chart is only a general guideline. Contact your physician or trained healthcare  
professional to determine your NORMAL blood pressure.  
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Variations in Blood Pressure  
Blood pressure is influenced by many factors and can change from moment to moment.  
Normally, blood pressure is lowest during sleeping periods and rises during the day. The  
graph below represents variations in blood pressure shown over a day with measurements  
taken every 5 minutes.  
The dotted line represents the sleep  
period. The rise in blood pressure at  
1 pm (A in the graph) corresponds to  
a stressful occurrence and at 7 pm (B  
in the graph) a period of exercise.  
Important Information Before Use  
1. Blood pressure readings should be interpreted by a physician or trained healthcare pro-  
fessional, who is familiar with your medical history.  
2. Perform your measurement in a quiet place. You should be seated and relaxed.  
3. Avoid smoking, eating, taking medication, alcohol consumption or physical activity 30  
minutes prior to taking a reading. If you are exhibiting signs of stress, avoid taking your  
measurement until the feeling subsides.  
4. Rest 15 minutes prior to taking a reading.  
5. Remove any constrictive clothing or jewelry that may interfere with the cuff placement.  
6. Keep the monitor stable during measurements. Remain still; do not talk during  
7. Record your daily readings on a chart.  
8. Take your readings at the same time, each day (or as recommended by your physician).  
9. Wait a minimum of 15 minutes between readings. The wait time may vary depending on  
individual physiological characteristics.  
10. This device is intended for adult use.  
11. The inflation or deflation process can be stopped by pressing the POWER button.  
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Battery Installation/Replacement  
1) Press down and lift the cover in the direc-  
tion of the arrows as shown.  
2) Insert or replace 4 “AA” batteries into the  
compartment, matching the indicated  
polarity symbols.  
3) To close, match up and connect the  
bottom hooks of the cover, then push  
the top end.  
Note: Replace the batteries when the Low  
Battery symbol appears on the display or  
when the display remains blank when the  
POWER button is pressed.  
4) It is recommended to remove the batteries  
if the unit will not be used for an extended  
period of time.  
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Applying Your Blood Pressure Cuff  
Avoid smoking, eating, taking medication, alcohol consumption or physical activity 30 min-  
utes prior to taking a reading. If you are exhibiting signs of stress, avoid taking your meas-  
urement until the feeling subsides. Rest 15 minutes prior to taking a reading.  
Note: If for any reason you are unable to or should not use  
your left arm, please modify the following instructions and  
apply the cuff to your right arm. Your physician can tell you  
which arm is best for you to use.  
1. Remove any constrictive clothing or jewelry that may  
interfere with the cuff placement. Be seated with your  
feet flat on the floor.  
Fig. 1  
2. Insert the end of the connector into the monitor, Fig. 1.  
3. Widen or open the cuff by pulling or rolling the  
bottom of the cuff towards the right,  
Fig. 2. This should open the cuff,  
creating a cylinder. Do not extend  
the cuff beyond the metal bar.  
4. Insert your arm into the cuff  
(cylinder). Position the (  
Fig. 2  
mark over the main artery (on  
the inside of your arm). Fig. 3.  
Fig. 3  
5. The bottom edge of the cuff should be positioned  
one inch ABOVE the elbow joint. Fig. 4.  
6. Reaching underneath your left arm with your right hand,  
pull the end of the cuff towards your body to tighten the  
cuff, Fig. 5. Wrap and secure the cuff making sure that  
the ( ) mark remains as shown, Fig. 3.  
Fig. 4  
7. The cuff should fit comfortably, yet snugly around your arm.  
You should be able to insert two fingers between your arm  
and the cuff.  
Note: The cuff size is suitable for use when the vertical “Index”  
mark is within the horizontal “OK” range. A different sized cuff is  
needed if the “Index” mark is outside of the “OK” range.  
Fig. 5  
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Taking Your Blood Pressure Reading  
Proceed only after reading the previous sections of this manual.  
Remember! Remain still; do not talk during the measurement.  
1. Rest your elbow on a solid surface with your palm facing  
upward. Elevate your arm so that the cuff is at the same level  
as your heart, Fig. 1. Your wrist should be level with your collar-  
bone. Relax your left hand.  
2. Press the POWER button. The  
unit will run a self-test, Fig. 2.  
Fig. 1  
3. If a downward arrow ( ) flash-  
es, there is air remaining in the  
cuff. Release the air by pressing  
the “Air Release Valve” until “0”  
appears on the display, Fig 3.  
Fig. 2  
4. Using your right hand, squeeze  
and release the inflation bulb at a steady pace. The inflation  
pressure must be 50-60 mmHg above your normal systolic  
pressure. If the pressure in the cuff is insufficient, an upward  
arrow ( ) will flash. Continue to steadily inflate the cuff to the  
proper level.  
Fig. 3  
5. Upon achieving the proper inflation level, release the pressure  
on the bulb.  
6. The pressure in the cuff will automatically begin to decrease.  
The display will represent the deflation, Fig. 4.  
7. Upon completion, your blood pressure (systolic and diastolic)  
measurement will display, Fig. 5, with the downward arrow (  
8. Press the “Air Release Valve” until the cuff pressure is released  
and the downward arrow ( ) disappears, Fig. 6.  
Fig. 4  
9. Your reading will be automatically stored in memory.  
10. To conserve energy, press the POWER button to turn the power  
off. Otherwise, the unit will automatically shut of after approxi-  
mately 1 minute.  
11.Disconnect the cuff tubing from the monitor prior to storing.  
Fig. 6  
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Fig. 5  
Recalling Measurements in Memory  
You can recall up to 60 measurements in memory to share with your physician or trained  
healthcare professional.  
1. Press the MEMORY button. The last  
stored measurement will display.  
2. Continue to press MEMORY to  
view the next previously stored  
Note: The memory bank can store up to 60  
readings. When the number of readings  
exceeds 60, the oldest data will be replaced  
with the new record.  
All stored measurements will be erased by  
removing any one of the batteries for approx-  
imately 2 minutes.  
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Description of Display Symbols  
Appears when measurement value is  
stored in memory or is recalled from  
Systolic Pressure  
Diastolic Pressure  
Pulse Rate  
Appears when batteries should be  
Shows the pulse rate per minute  
Occurs when a mistake was made  
during measurement  
Appears when manual cuff deflation is  
No. of Memory  
Appears when manual cuff inflation is  
If any abnormality occurs during use, please check and correct the following:  
Display is blank when power is on.  
Check and correct the polarity of the  
installed batteries. Reinstall or replace  
Measurement incomplete or  
abnormally low or high values  
Review and follow “Applying Your  
Blood Pressure Cuff” and “Taking  
Your Blood Pressure Reading” sections.  
Replace the batteries.  
EE symbol displays.  
Did you talk or move during the  
measurement? Review “Applying Your  
Blood Pressure Cuff” section.  
Measurements are different from  
those typically measured by  
physician or every measurement  
reading is different.  
Remember, blood pressure readings  
are influenced by physical and mental  
conditions and/or even the time of day.  
Daily measurements should be  
interpreted by your physician.  
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Care and Maintenance  
1. Disconnect the cuff tubing from the monitor prior to storing.  
2. Only use a soft, dry cloth to clean your blood pressure monitor.  
3. Avoid using any types of liquids on the monitor or cuff.  
4. Do not store the unit where it will be exposed to direct sunlight, dust or humidity.  
5. Avoid extreme temperatures.  
6. Never disassemble the monitor or cuff.  
7. Dropping or subjecting your blood pressure monitor to strong shocks should be avoided.  
Product Specifications  
Name and model number  
Semi-Automatic Digital Blood Pressure Monitor  
with Memory, 04-263-001, 04-263-006  
Display system  
Measuring method  
Power source  
Digital display/LCD  
4 “AA” batteries  
Measuring range  
Pressure: 20-280 mmHg  
Pulse: 40-180 beats/minute  
Pressure: ± 3 mmHg  
Pulse: ±5% of reading  
Manual Inflation  
Automatic Pressure Release Valve  
Built-in memory enabling display of up to 60 measurements  
Automatic Power Off  
Approximately 1 minute after last button operation  
Temperature 50oF - 104oF (10oC - 40oC)  
Humidity 40 - 85%  
Operation Environment  
Storage Environment  
Temperature 23oF - 140oF (-5oC - 60oC)  
Humidity 10 - 95%  
Monitor Dimensions  
5-1/2” x 4-1/2” x 2-1/4”  
11.82 oz. (without batteries)  
Arm Circumference Range  
Adult size fits arm circumference: 8-5/8” - 12-5/8” (22-32 cm)  
Large adult size fits arm circumference: 12-5/8” -16-1/2” (32-42 cm)  
Cuff, detailed guidebook, four “AA” batteries  
Adult size cuff, Large adult size cuff  
Options (sold separately)  
Specifications are subject to change without notice  
#91-032-263 02/02  
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Sample Blood Pressure Log  
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